Lakeside Oasis

  • $75.00 /night
  • (2.2)5 reviews

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About Campground

This vacant lot has an amazing sunset view. It's close to downtown Orlando, Camping World stadium, Exploria Stadium as well as Universal Studios.


Enter through the double blue gates




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5 Reviews
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Pedro Vicente Marcano Perez

5 years ago

I write all this so that it does not happen to anyone else

1.- Error in the number of the apartment in the contract 238 instead of the 10-201 208, 2 days without electricity in the apartment for this reason, we stayed 2 days in a hotel and expenses of deposit of furniture and wax.

2.- After 8 days of moving to my wife, I became ill with tonsillitis and very high fever, this lasted 10 days, which resulted in medical expenses and medicines. My son also very sick and my person. We did not know the causes until spring came.

3.- The dryer did not have a motor. the day 08/12/2016 solved.

4 .- the functionality of the refrigerator without the electrical extension or cable that runs through the room and the kitchen, this in order to avoid any inconvenience or accident with the cable or perform a bad force to move the refrigerator (also leave the cable in case it's a current issue).

5.- the light in the kitchen has something damaged because at one moment it lights up and at another it does not.

6.- the external bathroom has the incomplete shower key, it does not have the water temperature regulator, so I think you have to make the change, please for him to validate the information.

7.- The air conditioning regulator's battery indicates that it is running low.

8.- 12/18/2016 the black water was blocked.

9- air conditioning damage 01/15/2017, report of mold, which they said you have to change the entire pipeline and I do not think that you do so they signed a contract where we exonerate ourselves from the mold and diseases caused by it.

10- repeat the adhgldalitis of my wife being pregnant, letter from the doctor for eviction of the same as soon as possible, to see the discomfort of it. he talked with the realtor to deliver before and collect from the deposit the last month

11- bad telephone deal, by Arcelay the new administor who never informed us of this change.

Escribo todo esto para que no le ocurra a nadie mas

1.- Error en el numero del apartamento en el contrato 238 en lugar del 10-201  208, 2 dias sin luz en el apartamento por esta causa, nos hospedamos 2 dias en un hotel y gastos de deposito de muebles y enceres.

2.- A los 8 dias de mudados a mi esposa se enfermo de amigdalitis y fiebre muy alta, esto le duro 10 dias los cuales resultaron en gastos medicos y medicinas. Mi hijo tambien enfermo muy leve y mi persona. no sabiamos las causas hasta que llego la primavera.

3.- La secadora no tenia motor. el dia 08/12/2016 solucionaron.

4 .- la funcionalidad de la nevera sin la extencion electrica o cable que atraviesa la sala y la la cocina, esto con el propósito de evitar cualquier inconveniente o accidente con el cable o realizar una mala fuerza para mover la nevera (igualmente que deje el cable por si es un tema de corriente).

5.- la luz de la cocina tiene algo danado porque en determinado momento enciende y en otro no lo hace.

6.- el bano externo tiene la llave de la ducha incompleta, no tiene el regulador de  temperatura del agua, por lo que considero hay que realizar el cambio, por favor para que él valide la información.

7.- la pila del regulador del aire acondicionado indica que se esta agotando.

8.- 12/18/2016 se taparon las aguas negras.

9- dano del aire acondicionado 01/15/2017, reporte del moho, lo cual dijeron hay que cambiar todo el ducto y eso no creo que lo hagan ustedes firmaron un contrato donde nos exoneramos de el moho y las enfermedades a causa del mismo.

10- repite la admigdalitis de mi esposa estando embarazada, carta del medico para desalojo del mismo lo mas pronto posible, al ver el malestar del mismo. se converso con la realtor para entregar antes y cobrar del deposito el ultimo mes

11- mal trato telefónico,  por  Arcelay la nueva administradoea la cual nunca nos informaron dicho cambio y no estaba al tanto de todos los problemas que tenia el apartamento y nunca visito, Sra Luna la administradora inicial nunca mas aparecio.

12.- pretenden cobrarnos, 1220,00 por conceptos de ultimo mes.

esto sin contar que las ventanas y las alfondras estaban llenas de moho



9 months ago

This intimate administration is the worst, it smells of cannabis in the afternoons, undesirable people have arrived, a lot of noise, the garbage is never served and the administration staff are inept, they revive anyone and at night you see very strange visitors.


Wyatt Stoelting

1 year ago

Judging fairly and honestly, a 2 star rating is suitable for Oasis, only because a half star option is not available or I would give it an non-biased overall score of 2.5 stars. My review is based solely off of the quality of life I’ve experienced since living here in relation to the price point I’ve been paying. Simply put: for the price you’ll pay to live here, you could live somewhere else and not have to deal with certain problems which are a regular occurrence here at Oasis. The price to rent my unit in 2019 was a fair rate. It has gone up as to be expected with the economy, but the quality of the area is far from trending on an upward slope to say the least. Amenities closed for years, constant work being done on little-to-extremely short notice which can sometimes (most times) be very inconvenient. To be quite honest, with the amount of work that happens here, you’d expect this place to be in tip-top shape… Unfortunately, that is not the case in the slightest. The pros are I have never felt in danger walking on, or around the premises, other than a delivery package being stolen from my doorstep at one time. The property staff (in my experience) are usually really friendly and help when they can, and the other residents living here are kind. Also, it’s within walking distance to shopping and eating establishments. Not a bad place to reside, but definitely extremely dated and withered units.


Wanda Woods

6 years ago

Bought my condo last November and I am very happy! Great area to live in. Walking distance from shopping area.The staff here at Oasis Miss Dee and Mike are great and very friendly as well as the maintenance workers. Grounds are very well kept. Beautiful scenery especially from my place :D Pool area is beautiful very nice and clean as well as the gym. Renovations taking place which is a plus. A pretty great place to live.


Brittney Decosta

10 months ago

Lived here for 1 year. Rented from a private owner. The owners were great. The HOA is not. Never got to use the pool. The trash was always broken and we were told to keep our trash for days in the apartment. The floors were creaky. Also if you have kids you better not make noise at any time of day - not just at night because apparently this is a quiet place. My neighbor downstairs bullied me for months until I finally moved and no one would help or explain to her that noise at 2pm on a Sunday is acceptable (she did not work overnight). When i came home late men would cat call me from balconies…so uncomfortable. Overall I was so glad to move out. Please avoid if you can.


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