The North Fork Catherine Creek Campground is a unique facility since the campsites are spread out for over 1 mile beginning at the Buck Creek road up to the North Fork Catherine Creek Trailhead. Each campsite is set back in the cool evergreen forest and is a popular area in the summer months for those wanting to escape the heat, enjoy the sounds of the stream, view wildlife, or take a short hike along the creek. Also located nearby is the North Fork Catherine Creek Group Campground.
From La Grande, Oregon travel south on Highway 203 for 14 miles towards Union, Oregon; in Union turn left on East Beakman St. and follow the signs to continue on Highway 203 (also known as Medical Springs Highway); From Union travel southeast on Highway 203 for 11 more miles to Catherine Creek Road (which becomes Forest Road 7785); Turn left on Catherine Creek Road and go 5.5 miles to campground entrance sign on the right;