I have four small children and was able to take them on a easy hike that they loved! Also its a dinosuar hike. People hide dinos all along the hike for the kids to find and rehide! Such a blast!
Took a drive out towards Raston lake (Out by Hell hole resurvare ...
Today is a beautiful day for a drive.
Such a beautiful area! This photo is a picture of the area adjacent to Tunnel Shoot. That area was drained via tunnel blasted thru the solid bedrock opening up a huge section of minable river. That section produced MILLIONS of dollars in gold!!
This was the best place ever, I felt peace, i was living my life, I went through a place that leads you down like \ and I recommend to go on cars that can move everywhere so u ur car doesn’t stop all cars can go but I really recommend those big ones with space to put stuff in the back , but like u need to go to this place like it was the best experience I’ve ever felt in my life, there’s many rocks under so bring special shoes, Cadillac with the river pushing u away, and there’s no device down there, have fun🤩😁😊
This is a review for Tunnel Chute on Middle Fork American river. Must try class IV rapid water and try not to fall over board or flip the boat.