This was a really really pretty camp ground. Where we stayed was perfect. We set up camp made a fake fire pit. And enjoyed the night. It was really really cold and the wind was crazy. And something did try to enter our tent in the middle of the night. Be mindful and respect the land first off. Second be careful with the animal's be aware you are out door's. Keep food locked up and please! No TRASH! don't leave trash don't be that person.
Cool camping area with lots of trails. The only downside is there is lots of glass and trash at all the entrance sites. If you go back a little ways they have some really nice tent sites. Great spot for hammocking. I think a lot of people ride quads out there as well
Perfect place to get away! Slight warning no power, no water, now showers 😅 but plenty of room for trailer further in more for SUVs and trucks.
Cooler weather, trees, nature, solitude and trash, lots of trash. Irresponsible people leave their beer, water bottles and don't bury or take their used toilet paper with them. Everywhere I camp I always bring back at least one full bag of other people's trash.
Me and the Bestest of Bestestes, Odin the Rottweiler (check his u toob channel out)
are here right now have been since last night, and just simply L.O.V E. it. Gonna go for another ride right now