Boulder Flat Sign Boulder Flat Bench Boulder Flat Campground Boulder Flat Campground Boulder Flat Campground is situated in a mixed conifer forest along the banks of the Stanislaus River. It is located 20 miles east of the Summit Ranger Station on Highway 108. There are a total of 20 camping sites; one is a double site and two are walk-in sites. The main road is paved with dirt-surfaced parking pads. Restrooms are vault toilets. Water is piped; each hydrant serves several sites. A fee is charged for extra vehicle parking. There is no designated trail down to the river. ACTIVITIES Camping: Forested area along the Middle Fork Stanislaus River within the Brightman Recreation Area. Fishing on the Middle Fork Stanislaus River (upper). Food, gas, and other services available nearby at Dardanelles Resort and Kennedy Meadows Resort. Recreational Vehicles
21 miles east of Pinecrest on Highway 108.