Review: Camp Swatara

  • $30.00 /night
  • (3.4)5 reviews

Don Glickert

1 year ago

What a Great place! It is faith and family friendly in the best of possible ways. The reason for the 3 star rating is the pool. Several years in row now the pool has been a disappointment. This year the deep end was closed based on a fictitious explanation by a very unfriendly life guard. With Only 2 open hours for swimming they insisted that only one life guard would be watching while the second one just sat there. Why weren't both life guards on to allow for the deep water to be open? The reason stated was the law required one resting guard. I could not find this law anywhere. Good grief. It's a good thing the rest of the camping experience is so wonderful. Too bad the guards were so terrible because it was blazing hot.

I hope this wonderful camp will reconsider how the pool is operated. 5 star rating easy if they do.

