Review: Rivers West South Umpqua Campground

  • $0.00 /night
  • (3.2)5 reviews

Carol Finkbeiner

2 years ago

I am rating them as an employer. We have lived in the park since it’s opening. We filled this park with people and established a way of running the park efficiently. In the end I was accused of stealing (with zero proof) and fired right when they would have to start paying me top tier wages.

In the 27 months that they have been paying either both of us - just my husband for the last 22 months of those 27; 11 times they have NOT paid us or him on time. Out of those 11 , we/he had to remind them 4 times. We never know how he’s going to get paid, be it check or Direct Deposit, it’s random.

These people built this place on the backs and hard work of other people and can’t be bothered enough to make sure to pay their employees on time and in a consistent manner.

Today marks the 11th time his paycheck has been late. And yes I know the 5th landed on a Sunday…that has not stopped them before.

