Review: Wilson Ranches Retreat

  • $0.00 /night
  • (5.0)5 reviews

Sam Keller

11 months ago

Our hostess Shantelle proved to be an outstanding cook and knowledgeable guide up in the hills chasing cows, wow she can ride! I signed up with my buddy for a bucket list "cowboy experience". For "True Grit" I expected more interaction with the horses dressing and undressing, feeding and brushing.

Not that he can read, but hats of to Clancy a great horse for work. He wanted to be out front all day and was sure no one else knew what was going on. Huge heart had my trust from my first sit in the saddle. Morgan also gave great direction on our quest to move cows to fall pasture. Brett was our guide for the second day two hour ride, he killed a rattle snake before our horses knew it was there.

Serious consideration for return stay next summer. Sam

