Review: RV Station & Resort

  • $0.00 /night
  • (2.6)5 reviews

Eric Harp

5 years ago

DO NOT COME TO THIS PLACE!!! ( NOTE: THIS IS NOT A REFLECTION OF THE RV SALES/SERVICE DEPARTMENT!!! )The park “manager” (WANDA) is a terrible person. She runs everyone off. The trash doesn’t get emptied. The WiFi doesn’t work. If it’s included in the price, and doesn’t work, shouldn’t that be excluded off the rent??? We were kicked out because our dog barked ONE DAY three weeks prior to eviction but it was a reason on the notice. If it was such an issue why were we not kicked out then???!?!? Also, simple deck or Christmas lights are apparently frowned upon in the “resort” we were told to take them down as we immediately did with respect and without delay. We were also told we couldnt park where we were parking. Ok that’s understandable as she thought we were parking over the lateral lines which we weren’t. It became such an issue I had to contact Walt ( He’s the “ GM “ ) to try and let him know about all the harassment that was going on with WANDA. He sorry and thanks but very clearly didn’t care about her making up rules and kicking us out for no reason. I then contacted the owner Mr. Canon. Seemed to be a level headed man. I proceeded to tell him the petty issues that were taking place and at the time he seemed to genuinely cared and I’ll tell why in a sec. I told him we were being kicked out for the reasons that were quickly and respectfully resolved in a timely manner. Upon Wanda BEATING on my door and giving me the absolutely uncalled for eviction notice with old violations that had all been resolved, I DID cuss her out and AM wrong for that. Mr. Canon and I talked, He asked me what happened. I told him I did cuss her and I admitted that it was wrong. He asked me if I would swallow my pride and apologize. I told Mr. Canon that I would be willing however due to her making up rules on the go ( after given a list of them) and being petty, I simply felt she would have it out for us for whatever reason. I went in with Mr. Canon, The Owner, and I did apologize. He asked her if she was willing to forgive and move forward and she immediately said no I’m not going to do that I want them gone. I immediately said it’s ok Mr. Canon. It’s simply not going to work. We will just be on our way. He shook my hand and told me he was sorry it couldn’t work out after he watched his “manager” Wanda, tell the customer who finally got tired of her harassment and petty made up rules leading to the eviction cussed her and then apologize, tell me she WAS NOT GOING TO FORIVE AND MOVE ON IN FRONT OF HIM. I go back to the RV, called my girl and said Wanda does not want to make amends and we are leaving. 45 minutes later. Mr. Canon came a knocking on the door. And wouldn’t you believe, He said, And I quote “ I just don’t think you guys should have to leave “ Now if you went back over there to the office, and talked to other people near me. And they said they had absolutely ZERO problems with us. No noise. No complaints. No dog barking. NOTHING. Then come back and tell me to stay, somewhere inside he must have seen through the unnecessarily drama. Fast forward a few weeks after she was told to not speak with us anymore which she did all weekend about parking after I even sent Mr. Canon pics of where he said I COULD PARK WERE I WAS because I marked it off with markers to avoid Wandas pettiness, she LIED to him and told him I went right back to parking in the same spot. I noticed for 3 weeks the trash was not FULLY getting emptied. This was causing standing water and attracting flies and mosquitoes. I calmly and kindly requested for them to please empty it via phone call to someone because Wanda was “out of the office” they said they would but never did and lied and said I cussed her after saying I wasn’t going to argue. Now we are being kicked out. She never answers the phone because she’s “out in the park” which really means she is sitting around smoking cigarettes. We have had problems since day one with her. Also the cable box didn’t work so we had to run a long one way away. She said she was going to fix it Bathrooms have mold. DONT DO IT.

