Review: Hocking Hills Jellystone Campground

  • $0.00 /night
  • (2.0)4 reviews


1 year ago

I have made reservations at Jellystone Park months in advance. I kept track of the park updates because I knew it was going under some reconstruction. On one Facebook post they said they were having to push it back opening week at the park. I made a comment on it asking if it was going to effect the week that we would be there. They assured us that it would not affect it and everything went on as planned. Twelve days before we were to check in to the park I get an email saying that they had to shut down the park for 2 weeks due to sewage problems. They offered a full refund and I said I would gladly accept it. Tomorrow will be 10 days since they informed me of the closing and I still have not received a refund. They have also stopped responding to my emails. Anyone who lives on a budget and has a family knows how hard it is to plan a vacation, but doing it in 12 days and without access to the vacation budget is damn near impossible. My husband's and my vacation time request was already approved and we can not just up and change our dates. When I sent the full payment to Hocking Hills Jellystone Park they sure made sure to take the money ASAP. Getting the refund should not be this hard. I understand the reason for the closure was out of their control but the delay in repayment is definitely in their control.

