Review: Croton Dam Float Trips

  • $25.00 /night
  • (4.2)5 reviews

miranda timm

1 year ago

Had an AWFUL experience this past Saturday with this establishment.

Little back story, in 2022 I was invited with a large group to tube down this river, using croton dam floats as our shuttle service. One member of the group was renting the cabins that they offer. It was a pleasant FUN experience, I loved the atmosphere and the customer service provided, so much fun that I decided to celebrate my birthday this year, I would go again! My fiancé & I.

9/2/23, I call early morning around 10 AM to schedule for croton dam floats to pick us up.

The gentlemen that I spoke with on the phone made us aware as long as we were in the office by 1:30 we would have ample time. I made the man aware we were traveling from Metro Detroit area & would be there by 1:30.

Make it to the office by 1:25- stand in line for 10 minutes while the worker helps another customer.

It’s now our time to be helped and the women working asks what we are doing, upon letting her know she immediately states in a rude manner that we are too late, confused by this, I let her know I have already spoken to a rep who stated 1:30. I told her I understand it’s about 1:34 now as we have been waiting in line. She’s let’s us know that they would drop us a mile down the river to ensure we are at the pickup spot in time. We are ok with this.

As I’m filling out the consent forms and paperwork she is arguing with my fiancé about the phone call that was placed at 10AM & what was said versus not said.

My fiancé who was kinda agitated at the women already for speaking to me the way she was, let her know WHAT WAS SAID for the 3rd time.

Apparently she didn’t like the same energy that she was giving us, was givin back to her by my spouse.

She rips the consent forms out of my hands as I’m filling it out and says “MHM NOPE, WERE NOT DOING THIS”…..

I’m so disappointed in this in interaction IN SO MANY WAYS.

1- As someone who has worked in customer service majority of my life, I feel the women working should’ve gave us other options if it was indeed truly about time, knowing that I drove from DETROIT, she could’ve offered my fiancé and I other services such as kayaks, or canoes to speed up our travel time.

2- As we are from Detroit and don’t know much about the area or river she SHOULD'VE At least ADVISED us not to attempt the river without pick up shuttle as my fiancé and I ended up fighting the river at 9pm in the dark to get off.

This resulted in panic for my life, I had to ditch my belongings on the river, walk up a dangerous hill and walk 3 miles back to the launch area. This also meant loosing $200+ of my equipment.

3- I had nothing but good things to say about this establishment and even planned a 2024 trip with my whole family.

4- If you hate your job, please take it up with the owners and not out on your paying customers. & if you happen to be part owner, please remind yourself why you started the business & what values and standards you held in the beginning.

One bad employee with a bad attitude really can ruin the reputation of a good company.

Im celebrating my 25th birthday and in those 25 YRS have NEVER had a professional at an establishment rip something out of my hands like I would expect my 6 yr old son to in the middle of a tantrum.

Please do better.

