Review: Hidden Ridge RV Resort, A Sun RV Resort

  • $50.00 /night
  • (3.5)4 reviews

JB Baker

11 months ago

Ahhh, another Friday night, another weekend of sound systems booming on golf carts, screaming teenagers, drunken adults hootin' and hollerin', and Mama in the golf cart yelling "It's 10:58(pm), we've got TWO MINUTES TO PARTY!!"

I agree with all the reviews that say it's a beautiful park and the staff are all sooo nice, all true. Unfortunately, when the weekend hits you can forget about a quiet night around the campfire, gazing into the flames, as all of the above will ruin it for you. The Weekenders have the impression, clearly never corrected, that they can do whatever they want in this park right up until quiet hour at 11:00pm. So in spite of the beauty of the park, you may as well save your money, book a state park site and listen to rowdy neighbors for much cheaper, just sayin'...

Followup to owner's response: Nothing ever changes.

Followup to end of season:

I gave this place a 2 because beautiful grounds don't make up for entitled seasonal guests who believe they can do anything they want. At one point my neighbor asked his neighbor on the other side of him if he could just please keep it down. He was told, "I've been coming to this park for 10 years! I'll do whatever I please!" And there you have it.

When the seasonal Weekenders arrive, all hell breaks loose. For 2 days, EVERY WEEKEND, they rule the park, their teenage kids scream around the park in golf carts with stereos blasting, and sometimes to entertain them, the park will put on a live concert.

The band has enough amplification to reach the city of Grand Rapids so if you're actually IN the park, you're going to hear the concert whether you want to or not. Two hours of mindnumbing thumping of bass and screeching of horrific proportions from a band I wouldn't waste my time with, even if it is free. It will then be followed by an hour of concertgoers drunkenly finding their way home.

If you're looking for a party through the entire summer season, every weekend, stay here. If not, stay somewhere else, because no amount of beautiful grounds can compensate for your peace of mind.

