Review: South of Sand Dunes State Forest

  • $0.00 /night
  • (4.2)5 reviews

Cali Emon

1 year ago

Come here often. It’s great to swim for the day at lake Anne. The reason I don’t give this more is because they’ve removed the garbage cans from the beach and there is no upkeep of the bathrooms. People now use the broken bathroom for trash because again they removed the dumpster for visitors and just expect everyone to clean up (wish it was that easy). Lots of deer and wild life. Lots of foraging opportunities. The campground roads could use help, there are questionable visitors that over stay and make the place a mess. There are couples fighting the few last times we were there screaming at night and teenagers lighting fireworks off in the park. I don’t think people clean the fire rings out as often as they should, people end up bringing their garbage. It’s a fun beach day at lake Anne for kids or to go float and paddle board. Lots of pan fish. Loons are present too. There isn’t really a lot of trails, you could walk them all in a day. I wish there was more upkeep to the state forest because there are so many opportunities to explore. They really could use some help picking up the things people dump and making sure there isn’t glass all over. Again it’s a fun spot locally but I wouldn’t seek it out as someone looking for a camping trip expecting it to be like state parks. Lol

