Review: Winter Paradise RV Resort

  • $0.00 /night
  • (3.8)4 reviews

Regina Ann

10 months ago

I have been here since 9/2020 and have absolutely loved calling this place home. Everything was just perfect for me as a single older woman. Affordable, and safe. I really thought I would be here for many many more years but ive been told to leave by the end of November because of the company that visits me from time to time. At the beginning of the year I was told I could stay if my boyfriend moved out and he did and is now my ex but apparently he cant come visit me either. I dont understand ive paid my rent on time every month ive been here and my ex isnt a sex criminal of any sort and he lived here for two years before they made me throw him out (they didnt even have to spend the money to evict him they just made me be the bad guy). I just dont understand why i have to leave when ive done nothing wrong. I love my rv I love my lot here at Winter do I leave at the end of November or do I let the judge here my side in an eviction hearing?

