Review: Hidden Creek

  • $0.00 /night
  • (4.0)5 reviews

Fat Fat

10 months ago

I have went on several occasions to speak with someone about renting an apartment. I have approached the door on these occasions and seen someone inside, but the door is always locked with the sign saying open and during regular business hours. I would also leave and return in the same day and the sign would then say someone would be returning at a certain time and that never happens. A few times I have come, people would be waiting outside for someone to open the locked door. No one ever answers the phone and I have called everyday for the last 2 weeks. Why is this so? Corporate number is nowhere to be found, seeing that I have been in search of it to speak with someone about this ongoing issue. How are potential residents suppose to speak with someone to get information or possibly rent?

The 5 Star reviews are reviews that the leasing agent requested and more then likely aren't real. They all start the same as you can see. This complex is horrible.

