Review: Rickwood Caverns State Park

  • $17.00 /night
  • (4.4)5 reviews

Brooke Langley

3 years ago

We went to Wonderland Under Warrior that Rockwood Caverns has put on for many years, previously named Santa's Underground Workshop. They have done an incredible job organizing and decorating for people to go enjoy. I know that it took a lot of dedication and hard work for them to be able to do this each and every year.

My only complaint is that they need to do these as guided tours or only allow a few groups in at a time. While it was beautiful, we didn't have that good of a time and didn't get to enjoy things as we went along. There was way too many people crammed together where you can barely get through the very narrow passages... people was letting their very young kids do whatever they wanted like being extremely loud, being disrespectful, and climbing all over the place(which is dangerous). I almost stepped on some kids that was climbing around on the ground, a huge group was coming in so we everyone was hugged up to the wall, I had to step back so they could get through and almost stepped on them. They was also unsupervised climbing on a spot that they possibly could have died if they had of fell.... I don't blame the park for that because the parents/adults should be responsible enough to watch them closely if they're taking them to a place like that.

We more than likely won't be going back unfortunately unless they decide to make the tours guided or monitor/limit people coming in and out. When we paid we had to pay for a specific time slot, they should only allow a certain amount for each time slot if they do unguided tours.

