Review: Green River Oaks Camping Resort

  • $0.00 /night
  • (2.8)5 reviews

Josh Riff

1 year ago

Short and sweet, this place is cozy, filled with good people, good events, activities, and good maintenance year over year (especially most recent years).

Full review for those who want the real details:

If you’re looking for a Campground that’s in pristine condition or filled with amusement park like attractions then that is not this place ~ Why? Those places come with hefty price tags, overpacked populations, and strict rules.

Yes, the website can be updated with most recent amenity conditions but knowing we should not always trust what we read on the internet; pick up a phone and call. The place is ran by honest and good people.

Yes, they may be strict in relation to the speed limits of cars but not golf carts but this is for the safety of the hundreds of kids who get to experience outdoors in a way they rarely do in the world we live in today. It is a safe environment with the opportunity for kids to be kids. If the golf carts are moving faster from time to time, then that only equates to more productivity and increased ability to provide quicker service to their guests.

Personally, I have been coming to Green River Oaks for nearly 30 years since I was a kid. Now I bring my children multiple times a year and to watch the joy from the freedom alone they get to experience during our stay is priceless. Everyone loves to be a critic because it’s easy, but taking the time to look for the beauty and share it with others is overlooked far too often these days. We can choose to see the bad or choose to see the good. While no place is perfect, I would share from my experience that this place is special and it has unique potential to help shift how one chooses to view what is most important/precious in life.

