Review: Millwood State Park

  • $6.00 /night
  • (4.7)3 reviews

Amber Lovell

10 months ago

I always enjoy visiting the State Park at Millwood. Sometimes, I just drive through the campgrounds just because.. and that's what I did this time. I had my puppy with me. Rolled down the window for him, and we slowly rolled through. Not a soul was camping. It was so quiet... and peaceful. The Canadian Geese were out and about walking around. There was 1 person at the boat ramp that I could see. It's a few dollars more than the other campgrounds but then again it's worth it. They spray for bugs. When we stayed at Cottonshed, on the other side of the lake, the mosquitos were so big they could carry you off. Also you pay for that service. Another one that I like is it is patrolled. The police and game wardens drive through to check the scene

