Review: Channel Islands Harbor RV Park

  • $0.00 /night
  • (4.2)5 reviews

Tom Morales

3 years ago

I used to spend time with my Grandma here when I was growing up in the 70s and 80s. Loved it! Loved the pool they had this crazy machine in there that made bubbles I guess to simulate a jacuzzi experience. Hey it was the 70s. Lol. Anyways you could throw a rock to the beach you were that close. Used to take after dinner strolls along the beach w her and my Aunt. They were great memories. The park was well kept and so quiet. Nobody bothered us grandkids when we used to visit and use the facilitator. But we were more well behaved than these kids today. I’m almost 50 now would love to retire there but 500 and up is too Rich for my blood. Lol. Great place from what I can remember!

