Review: Harbin Hot Springs

  • $45.00 /night
  • (3.6)5 reviews

Sara Hamilton

2 years ago

I would just like to say how incredibly horrible the experience at Harbin was for me and my family. We decided to go to Harbin for a fun get away for my moms birthday. We had called 3 times prior to the trip regarding tickets and park hours as if we would be getting to the park later in the night. All 3 phone calls we had mentioned we had two children with us who were both over the age of 16. We had driven 3 hours to these springs and got treated with nothing but disrespect. The front desk receptionist had decided to completely go threw the check in process and it had been acknowledged that the children were with us. They decided to then after we payed tell us that the children are not excepted after dark due to safety reasons. Then proceeded to refuse to tell us what safety concerns they had. She then decided to call security, the security guard looked as if he had been using drugs and just looked at us blankly saying there is nothing he could do. After almost an hour of arguing she said she couldn’t call the manager cause “she wouldn’t be able to help”. This whole situation has ruined my moms birthday and our entire day. It was awful. Not welcoming at all and horrible service. I would never ever recommend anyone to go to this place.

