Review: Lakeland Camping Resort

  • $0.00 /night
  • (3.4)5 reviews

Kathy Hart

1 year ago

We are staying in cabin 6. These are not cabins. They are campers with a fancy covering. The description of ours did not indicate any steps except for the loft. One bedroom was down two steps. One huge step to get inside one door, the other was fine. VERY limited dishes and cookware. Dirt in every corner,

floors filthy - I don't think they have ever seen a mop . Deck needs maintenance. No lawn chairs as advertised but a recliner love seat that would be hard to move to fireplace area. The picnic table is in rough shape. Upon checkout, we are to strip our beds, sweep the place and basically do the cleaning the staff should do. For the price they charge, not worth it. The location is great and the pool is nice. I've had better experiences at ma and pop motels. I had great expectations for this place as my brother has a seasonal here. So disappointed.

