Review: South

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  • (2.2)5 reviews

Tracey Campion

10 years ago

Middleton Elementary ~ Where to begin- Jullie Nielsen should be removed as principal of this and any other school. The passive aggressive bullying that takes place in this school by teachers and then backed by a sub standard principal is sickening. My son has been attacked by a monster of a teacher. his self-esteem destroyed, and his education...suspended due to drama from an adult teacher and her leader- I am referencing a third grader. I have spoken with numerous other parents who also believe that Julie should be removed. I find it ironic that a principal WHO DOES NOT RESIDE in the same community, OR STATE. Took a leave to pursue her political agenda of raising taxes for a district she does not reside in.

Moreover, children are suffering. She has NO business working with children and instead should follow her political aspirations in her home state of WISCONSIN! My son has been bullied by his teacher, his teacher has broken privacy rules and also violated Gavyn's personal rights and to this, Julie does and will do nothing but protect her teacher.

This is not the case with other teachers in this school. I have signed statements from numerous parents stating that Julie is mean and makes their child's teacher "apologize". Sadly, Jill Hildebrand was her first hire as a principal and her ego and pride have destroyed a little boy. I have had my son evaluated by a private counselor, and a school counselor. Both which show the damage Jill and Julie have done to him.

My advice to any parent considering Middleton is this, beware of Julie Nielsen and Jill Hilderbrand. I am raising awareness to prevent any more children from being damaged by their outright abuse!

Our voice, as tax payers, and their employers is the only thing that will correct and stop this type of abuse and behavior by "adults".

