Review: Athena Slabs at Green River

  • $0.00 /night
  • (4.2)5 reviews

Str8 Line

9 months ago

Athena rocket trail! Kudos to whoever made this, it's phenomenal. Fast and relatively flowy with some fun technical thrown in here and there. A lot of ups and downs. Not for beginners, but probably ok for aggressive intermediates but there is some exposure combined with technical where you wouldn't want to fall. Of course you could walk some sections and enjoy the rest. There are some decent hills but none of them are too grunty as the vertical rise is never more than 100-200 ft. I would compare Athena to Klonzo trail system near Moab but this trail is better. If it rains it becomes quagmire, trust me, so don't go if it looks like weather, you'll regret it immensely. With how close this is to Green River it's a great quick ride if you're in town.

