Review: Pedernales Falls State Park

  • $0.00 /night
  • (4.8)5 reviews

charles compton

11 months ago

This was an awesome state park with so many hiking trails. Trammells crossing was great you have to cross the river early on in the trail, you will 100% get wet crossing here, so have a plan, I removed my shoes before crossing and put them back on other people had large plastic bags. The trail was pretty legit I’d recommend the extra spur on the south side, one a the best parts of the trail and the river overlook on the north is one a the best views in the park.

The wolf mountain loop was nice with solid views all around, it connects with a number of other trails, I ended up taking on the Jones spring trail, and hiked back to the parking lot using part of the juniper ridge trail which was really awesome, one of my favorites.

The falls area was fun to explore I walked the west falls area and explored the rocks and lower falls areas.

It was winter time so I didn’t do much swimming but it looked like a great park for it. It rained a lot and the trails can get slick so bring good hiking shoes.

The electric camping area I stayed at was great the spots area reasonably spaced out, bathrooms with showers are available.

This was a great park and experience highly recommend.

