Review: COE Canyon Lake Cranes Mill Park

  • $0.00 /night
  • (3.6)5 reviews

Kendra Kahl

8 months ago

We have been camping here for years. The camp sites are spacious, the views are incredible and the park is maintained with the highest standards. The sites are always clean and free of debris when we set up camp, the bathrooms are spotless, the trash cans are always empty and the walking trail appears to be groomed on a regular basis. The volunteers that live out here clearly take pride in this campground as it is their home 24/7.

Of the many things we love about this park, the most beautiful sight is the majestic, snow white cats with sky blue eyes that have lived quietly and peacefully amongst the rocks for many years. Sadly, we spoke to one of the volunteers and he has told us on numerous occasions that "the cats should be eradicated". We have asked why when they are harmless and many of the campers enjoy their beauty and look forward to seeing them when they visit. He could not give us an answer as to why they should be eradicated, only that they should to be. We hope and pray that he does not move forward with a plan to do this. Aside from the fact that it would be illegal to "eradicate' them, we know it would upset many of the campers that have loved them through the years as we have.

