Review: Prince of Tucson RV Park

  • $0.00 /night
  • (2.2)5 reviews

Kevin L. Stephens

3 years ago

I advise that you consider staying at one of the other local RV Parks. The owner / management of this park definitely engages in discrimination against religious services and / or Christians, although they claim in their literature that the clubhouse is available for full use to guests. Many other local RV Parks offer Sunday church services at their clubhouses. We were long term residents, and after six months we were advised that we could no longer conduct church services at the park, but other guests and volunteers could use the clubhouse for their Social activities. The owner outright advised me that they were going to be having too many functions in the recreation center (reason church services not being allowed), but that has not been the case. In fact, we watched their activities afterwards which were limited and with low participation. Long term residents and office staff gossip constantly, and there definitely is a social "click" group. The bathrooms (especially the ones located in the separate building) are disgusting. At one point, our family replaced the shower curtains due to the heavy build-up of mold. The floors and mats never seem to be clean properly (easy to get athletes foot). We even installed new shower heads (without asking for anything in return); just so guests could at least try to take a decent shower. The owner claims that improvements are going to be done, but projects don't get completed although rates increase yearly. The hot tub is never "hot," you will have a lukewarm soaking. Pool is alright; nothing to brag about. Expect to walk through a wall of smoke if entering the building through the pool area, as employees sit at the table, right next to the entrance, smoking. Some of the employees are very helpful; others will not do anything extra in order to assist a guest. No pets allowed in the pool area, but that does not seem to apply to certain groups of people. The owner seems to allow a few of the long term residents to do whatever they want. I guess that they are the RV Park police. We have stayed at numerous RV Parks, we are full time RVers, and this is by far the worse RV Park that we have stayed at. We paid upfront for a full year, but left after 9 months. Pastor Stephens (Sonlight Ministries)

