Review: H-K Camping

  • $35.00 /night
  • (3.4)5 reviews


11 months ago

Beautiful place to enjoy a peaceful day. Been coming here since I was a child with lots of family memories. Unfortunately last few visits have been horrible. We've always felt welcomed in the past. Well I guess the times are changing for the worst. From the get go the money collectors when you come in are very rude. The time to you have to be out is sunset. Or 7:45 pm. Wth? Never was like that for day use. Use to be nine I believe. You are constantly reminded by staff on golf carts. Its was 5 times we were reminded about rules we were not violating. Felt like we were the only site being reminded and we were the quietest site. Last few trips we've been harassed about something. The property has been family owned family run for years. Always felt welcomed by a this nice couple on golf cart. Unfortunately we have the wrong color of skin for the new staff. But they will gladly take your money. What happened to KL Ranch Camp on the "GUADALUPE" river? "GUADALUPE RIVER "

