At nearly 1.6 million acres, Wood-Tikchik State Park is the largest state park in the nation. This one park encompasses nearly half of the State Park land in Alaska and 15 percent of all state park land in the United States. The park's acreage is quite diverse and includes 12 lakes, over 1,000 acres, rivers up to 60 miles in length, mountains exceeding 5,000 feet in elevation, and extensive lowlands.
Camping at an undeveloped area in the park is limited to 10 days at one location, after which a camp must be relocated a minimum of one mile from that location. The Agulukpak River Campground has a three-night stay limit and commercial use of the campground is prohibited.
We only traveled a small part of this park, but what we saw of it was wild and gorgeous (as are many parts of the northern half of North America). It is lovely and mostly untouched it seems. Highly recommend a visit if you're given the opportunity. It is inspiring and unforgettable.