*** There is a Closure Order prohibiting dispersed camping outside of the Skull Hollow campground. View a map of the closure area here: https://www.fs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/fseprd507382.pdf.
This closure is designed to help protect natural resources around the trailhead from overuse and to prevent conflict between campers and day users. Please observe the closure order and use the campground for camping in the vicinity of Skull Hollow trailhead.
There is a 14 day stay limit on all National Grassland and US Forest Service land including but not limited to campgrounds and other developed facilities. Additionally, the general area outside Skull Hollow campground is CLOSED to camping and fires within a ¼ mile of the road from the junction of FS 5710 and Lone Pine Road to the junction of FS 5710 and FS 5720.
Great host many spaces t, stay for the nite or a park until 10pm
Bathroom are kept well , and the Vegetation are kept did see hookup fir camper . But a great place to crash fir the nite if you chose many nite..
The rate great…👍
Photos from The Zoo. A climbing area requiring a 2 mile hike from past Skull Hollow campground. Parking is at an area a short drive on gravel road after driving through the campground.