40 Otis Tolland Road, East Otis, Massachusetts 01029
Nightly Rate: $42
Weekly Rate: $252
Monthly Rate: $752
Seasonal Rate: $2,100 - 2,300
Not sure who is writing these reviews; it might be those who live here for months at a time. My husband and I stopped for one night on our way to Acadia. We arrived in a storm, and had to knock on the door of the camping host's camper because the camping office was closed. It was 3:00 in the afternoon in July! Because we were only staying one night, I asked if our site was easy to back in. The manager said, "it's in a field, so just pick the one you want." Apparently, the "good sites" are reserved for the seasonal people, and those who are "campers" are directed toward an open field that is lined with power poles. After we chose our site (there were only 4 other campers in the field that could hold 25-30) we went looking for the bath house. We toted our toiletries around the campground until we asked a local where to find it. We were directed to an area behind the rec room area, but then had to go back to our camper to get quarters. A hot shower cost 25 cents for 5 minutes, but according to my husband, his shower costs 50 cents because he couldn't get the first one to work. The mosquitoes were intense! We were never so glad to leave this campground. It was BY FAR the worst we'd ever been to.
I camp here as a seasonal.. highly recommended if you have young children.. they always have at least one thing planned on the weekends for kids activities. There is always something for the adults too.. whether it's horseshoes , bingo , paint n sips or a tasty meal at the pavilion.. Full of nice wooded campsites only a few miles or so from the Otis reservoir...
Never saw any employees at the campground, office was closed. Spoke to them on the phone only. Sites were not clean or mowed. Owners did not pick up after pets and gray water was drained on site.
Love going camping l have a campsite there now so happy to be there the place have a big Pool good to go with the family and my grandkids like to ride . They're bikes.
Don't bother going here. Office was never open. Note on door with contact info and instructions to the sites in the open field. Dog poop everywhere around site 18, and dogs running around no owners anywhere near. I want ever be back!!