Capulin RV park is a gem! We are staying 5 nights. Easy access to the volcano, and I highly recommend staying here. There is so much to see and do all around this treasure. If you want a peaceful getaway, this is your place. Very well maintained pull through spots with full hookups. Very nice showers, and restroom.
Refer to KE Vaughan comment 5 months ago, “her credit card system is down today, she needs cash only”. As I am opening my wallet for cash, I mentioned I had read that in a old comment. She responds i am accusing her, get off her property as she shuts her door behind her special security screen. VERY STRANGE business model.
I’m 72, retired firefighter, and have never commented on anything but travelers should know “BEWARE of this suspicious nut case, strange isn’t sufficient”.
Back story we left several messages, finally achieved a great conversation with Michelle assuring us a site if arriving prior to 6PM. Based upon her assurances we took a side trip arriving prior to 5PM exhausted, ready to stop, shower, and rest.
Real estate has a slogan, location location location, HOWEVER, this lady is beyond strange. Recommend AVOIDING. Note: KOA 19 miles to Raton just made major improvements. Good luck travelers from Key West to Nova Scotia, from Mexico to Alaska i have NEVER experienced her behavior!
Owner is a piece of work. No business hours posted, wont answer the door, won't answer the phone or return calls. Don't assume on vacancy. Wouldn't acknowledge me, my wife, or my mother until we started to walk across the property, which is when she came out the front door and started yelling at us. Do not waste your time. Plan ahead and avoid this place at all cost.