primitive camping
General information on primitive camping includes how-to and safety tips and links to rules & regulations
At large primitive camping is allowed. Campsites must be at least 150 feet away from the nearest road, trail, or body of water. Camping for more than three nights or in groups of ten or more requires a permit from a Forest Ranger.
A small rustic camp ground is also located at Balsam Pond. Camping spaces are available at no cost on a first-come, first-serve basis and there is no running water or electricity. A fire ring, outhouse, and picnic table are provided for each camping space.
Access to Balsam Swamp State Forest is gained from numerous town roads off of County Routes 23, 7, and 10. Balsam Pond is located on Balsam-Tyler Road.
Balsam Tyler Road (42.549064°N, 75.758419°W)
North End Road (42.530423°N, 75.824057°W)