Back Acre RV Park

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John Sura

6 years ago

Many bad things should be condemned I stayed several month's it appeared good at first but looks can be deceiving in this case the UTube video ad is a few years old that he personally made the fishing pond is now contaminated certain times in summer it becomes her an with slime,and smells awfull. TheELECTICAL is not up to code . This place needs to be investigated the man who is81 years old seams to get away with anything because of age and friendly first appearance he's not well and God bless him needs to retire it appears to be just to much for him now.


Sandy Napier

6 years ago

The only reason I moved here last year is because the trailer I bought was already set up there. I was there 11 months, and it was 11 months too long.

The place is a dump. And Ken & Carolyn seem nice at first. But they GOSSIP. Ken is the worst, but she gossips too. Ken will tell you EVERYTHING about your neighbors. He will even disclose private info about peoples' accounts. Heck, I knew when the guy next door had diarrhea! I had to shut him up more than once, and he pouted about it like a big baby. And once (that we know of) when some friends of mine were buying a trailer from him, he BUGGED the trailer. We know because he knew about conversations that never left that trailer. They'd have pressed charges if they could have proven it. And he LIES. He's also a big bully. His wife & employees just take it. I DO NOT. He tried bullying me, even, after I moved. It didn't work. 😠

When I left in March, he'd been cited by the county for the septic system. It's old, and needed repairs. Many times he had the money over the years to fix it, but he just kept wasting his money on junk like wrecked airplanes (yes, he bought a wrecked Cessna 180 & a wrecked ultralight.) Last I heard, he was still fixing it. He stoopidly disclosed to me it was going to cost him $25,000. So it would be a risk to move there. The place could easily get shut down. Plus, IT STINKS THERE! 😲

Also, the place is a junkyard. LITERALLY. The back of the lot is a designated junkyard, and he takes junked out RVs for a fee to put them there. He also has several buildings full of junk. 🚫

The little "lake" is so overgrown with algae, it's disgusting. 😫

The wiring is very scary. Lines strewn across lots, loose ones dangling from trees...and Dave, Ken's right hand yes man, admitted to me he wasn't a licensed electrician. Yet he & Ken are the only people I've ever seen working on the wiring. 😱

I could go on & on forever. But just take it from me, there are PLENTY of affordable rv parks around here. You don't have to settle for this dump.


Mama Cat

4 years ago

The owner, Ken, is insane. Lived there years ago. I left because he told me if I didn't deliver a letter for him, he was going to kick me out. I actually caught him outside my trailer one night at like 1 in the morning. I got hone from work, and my fog started growling at the window when I got out of the shower. Looked out and there he was. Tried to ask him about it but he claimed he did nightly walks through the property to make sure things were alright. The maintenance man he had living and working there at the time was a meth head. And according to the maintenance man, Ken would watch me when I was in my bathing suit while outside with the little boy I watched for a few months during the summer. We had a little pool so I would let the child play while a sat in the sun and watched him splash. Anyway, I don't recomend this place.


Living for Christ

5 years ago

Spaces close together, dryer doesn't work, dogs have to be on leash but people who live there allow their dogs to to freely, cannot connect to WiFi because manager does not know the password and told me it only works on their porch. Women have to shower in men's bathroom because women's bathroom only had hot water. Staff is friendly, park could use some cleanup in and behind commons area. Signs on bathroom door telling about things stolen from bathrooms and warning they will be locked if it happens again. Price is good $300 a month. There are at least 30 feral cats roaming the property. Pretty lake, saw a huge goose.


Tonya Griffin

5 years ago

we got to choose our campsite which was a nice perk. The owner is absolutely a wonderful man and so is his wife they are the most sweetest people ever and it's a small world because they used to fly their planes in Waller County where I'm actually from. He does have a guy that works for him that stays there and isn't very friendly. Matter of fact.... he's rude. I don't think the owner has any idea how his employee is acting towards his guests. And I should have spoken up and said something to the owner but I didn't want to cause problems. But the more and more I think about it I really hope that the owner reads this because really he needs to know this because I'm sure he's going to lose a lot of business due to this rude employee or more than likely has already lost a lot of business due to this rude employee. Also, in hopes that the owner is reading this I want him to know what his rude employee is telling potential guests about this RV Park.... When I first called just to get a little information about the place because we were coming from Kansas all the way to Texas so wanted a little information about this place before we came. I was also calling other RV parks to to find out prices and information about their parts also that way I can make my decision on where to stay. Anyways the first time I called I spoke to the rude employees wife..... she told me over the telephone that the place was dirty and old, and that the washer and dryer were old and didn't work half the time etc she did not tell me one thing that was positive about that place..... Then a few more my question she could not answer so she was going to have her husband call me back but it just so happened that her husband walked in the door (her husband is the rude employee that I've been talking about) so then she put him on the phone to answer the other questions that I had that she did not know the answers to. He also was telling me negative things about the place pretty much they were saying the same exact thing..... That if I was looking for anything nice that this is not the place to be and that they don't have much to offer that everything is extremely old and broken, etc so I told him that I would talk to my husband and we would make a decision. Well like my husband said the price is good so let's just go check it out first. So we did and at first I didn't know if it was any good or not because we got there so late at night due to the fact the guy told me not to use my Google Maps because it would not get me to the place in which after we were lost and done had a flat tire and he was trying to give me the directions again over the phone I went ahead and put it in the Google Maps and it took me right to the entrance so he lied to me. I really am hoping that the owner actually reads this because he is too sweet of a guy to have someone like that rude employee he has working for him bring his business down. I say rude because he banged on my door a few times yelling at me about a water spicket that I wasn't supposed to be using and which I didn't know and his wife started getting on to me about a flag that I had out tell him it needed to be moved immediately. And there was something else he banged on my door about 1 morning. For some reason this man either had it in for us or is the most meanest rudest Guy i have ever met in my life. The owner and the owner's wife do not deserve any of this. Anyone that works for somebody and is a good employee is not supposed to run down the place that they work and be rude to the customers if you have any respect at all for the owner or your boss. Anyways for the most part though we just stayed away from the rude guy and I went to the owner's house a few time to talk to him and his wife and they were so pleasant they invited me right into their home as if I was family. I can't express enough how good these people are. The owner used to be a pilot. I recommend this place to anyone looking for a wonderful quiet RV Park.


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