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Will C posted a total of 1 Review


Will C

8 years ago

Campsite: Steel Bridge Campground

This was once one of the nicest campgrounds in the state. There were plenty of campsites that offered good creek access and privacy. Most of the campsites were closed by the forestry dept. which means they cut trees across the sites and removed the tables. This is now an eye sore with downed trees everywhere. The campsites were "improved" with gravel so large they are a tripping hazard, don't even think about letting your children walk barefoot. The three existing sites are reservation only designed for group camping. If you want to stay you need to make reservations well in advance. The plus side is less traffic if the gate is locked. Several times I have been fishing and the gate was open. The creek is beautiful and makes the negatives worth the stay. If I didn't know how nice the campgrounds once was I would rate it higher. Gone are the days of impulsive overnight camping trips. The transformation of the campground is a terrible shame but still better than no campground.
