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Richard “SKI” Suchanek added a total of 0 Campsites

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Richard “SKI” Suchanek posted a total of 1 Review


Richard “SKI” Suchanek

11 months ago

Campsite: Black Kettle Campground

Camping here for two weeks while awaiting truck parts to arrive at Cheyenne general delivery. Although winter and cold, this place is still great!

Hiking trails everywhere, a board walkway across the lower Beaver pond, lots of fishing, and plenty to see every day. Kairos Wonderdawg (facebook) and I walk, run, and jog at least three miles each day, just loving this place. Rangers drive through daily, wave and don't bother anyone, and I met one of the Sherrifs here, we chatted and I was told of a few good fishing places out along the shoreline, great guy, and nothing at all like what I have experienced with LAPD. I'm not disparaging the LAPD, I fully understand that those officers are doing the best they can in a losing war against gangs, drugs, psychos, and a holes.

Anyway, this is a great place for family, friendly get together, or pets. There is toilets, water, and lots of shade.

As far as plants go, hicory nut trees everywhere, pecan trees, wild onion, mustard, a few mulberry trees, and one mayhall tree. Lots of other edible plants, but I've gone on too long.
