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Rachel Anjewierden posted a total of 1 Review


Rachel Anjewierden

1 year ago

Campsite: Mt. Nebo Creek Loop

Driving the Mt Nebo Loop has been a bit of a running joke in our family. On the way home from a long drive, "Hey kids, should we take the Mt. Nebo Loop?" Or in the pitch dark "Say, let's take the loop" yet never, in 20+ years, have we driven it until recently and wow, have we been missing out!

Beautiful scenery, waterfall at the Grotto trail, pine trees, patches of red rock (Devil's Kitchen that's reminiscent of a mini Ceder Breaks or micro Bryce canyon ridge). The stark uplifting of Mt. Nebo itself, that might make those adverse to heights a bit dizzy at the overlook. There are the Payson Lakes managed by the Forest Service, plan on a $10 day use or if you have certain Access Passes for the National Parks it's free entrance if you want to visit any of the lakes- the drive is yours for the price of whatever fuel your vehicle requires. We took our EV on this drive, (charged in Orem at the Library) and made it comfortably back to top off for the rest of the drive home.

We saw a few leaves changing and know that we'll be back for the foliage in a few weeks, this time, following through with the "Hey kids, let's drive the Mt.Nebo Loop."
