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David Herlocker posted a total of 1 Review


David Herlocker

11 months ago

Campsite: Devil's Den Spring

We dove here on New Years Eve...a couple of dives during the day, then came back before midnight to finish out 2023 25' underwater. Someone had a beach ball with a strobe, and so the ball did not drop, but rather ascended. Kind of hard to get that kiss...the masks get in the way.

Well set up facility. Quick tank fills and ample room under the pavilions. It's a nice little park.

Entrance is a narrow 29 step walk down to the spring. We didn't have camera for diving so have to find videos on your own. Snorkelers have to give way to divers...please remember that our gear can be heavy and cumbersome. When we were there we had no issues.

Spring is 72 degrees year round. We got out of the water and the temp was 45 at midnight. A bit chilly to be ripping off wetsuits and drying off, but it's checked off the bucket list now.
