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3 years ago

Campsite: Dale Clemens Cabin

Visiting the cabin at the height of snow machine season is maybe not the best choice if you are looking for a nice getaway from people and noise. The setting is idyllic: a nice short (but steep in places) hike to a cabin with great views and just into the alpine area which is perfect for skiing. The new kerosene stove certainly keeps the place warm enough too. I'd recommend turning it off at night to save fuel and it's seriously too hot otherwise even on low. We did have temps in the 30s though. We burned a gallon of kerosene from around 3pm until sometime in the night when it ran out.

Unfortunately the number of snow machines made things less enjoyable. A few snow machines is no surprise and no big deal, even expected in such an area but the number of snow machines out there on some days is RIDICULOUS.

I've stayed at this cabin a few times now before writing this and I have to say I probably won't ever go there again on a weekend during snow machine season. I had to constantly jump off the trail and wait for over 20 snow machines (I counted) on the way up to the cabin and they were consistently getting stuck, flipping over, overheating, etc. And because they are all running two stroke engines (which stink), combined with the constant engine noise, it rather takes away the enjoyment of hiking through and otherwise gorgeous forest.

Once in the alpine area, if you hike up the hill near the cabin to get a view or ski the trail toward the lake the views are rather sullied by the snow machine tracks which literally cover every square inch of land without any trees on it. I'm not even exaggerating. Seriously. This **** is out of control.

I never saw any wildlife because I assume it either had a heart attack or evacuated.

Secondly, people have a bad habit of leaving their empty kerosene containers at the cabin. Please haul out your trash. And no one wants your dirty bong you left there either.

Sorry, if you can't tell I'm a bit bitter about the entire experience.
