Review: Eagles Landing Campground

  • $40.00 /night
  • (4.0)5 reviews

Tmi Bnt

2 years ago

My wife and I travel a bit and when booking stays we rely heavily on not only the price, but the re views. Sorry but the high review this place has does not match the experience. Small, very poorly built cabins, packed on top of each other, with large trees grown up in front of them that blocks any possible view. Picnic table on the porch that took up most of the room. Appears clean, but very musty smelling. Had to air it out for a few hours but never totally got rid of the smell. Would have rated it a 3 but the last night we were there a major storm was heading towards us. Someone from the campground pulled up on a 4 wheeler and said the storm would be coming over the hill directly behind us and to do what we had to do to stay safe. That was it, and she drove off. When I say storm, I mean at that point the winds were probably blowing 40-50mph and predicted to increase to 80. This place may be someone's cup of tea but I can guarantee we will not be staying here on our next visit.

