Review: Famil-E-Fun Campground & RV Park

  • $0.00 /night
  • (3.7)3 reviews

Gone Fishin'

1 year ago

$ 1620 for a 30-day Stay ! Be prepared to empty your wallet..

This is not a commentary that reflects upon the Staff at Ellsworth FamCamp. It is a very sad commentary on the Civilian Powers that be, to raise seasonal rates 1 May - 30 Sept, from $30 daily to $54 daily ! ($39 daily for active duty).

$54 daily ! The Campground itself is basic, but nice. Free showers and laundry is a good thing. (the free Wi-Fi is all but useless)But it is located directly across from a child-screaming Daycare, and next to a very noisy, ongoing construction site.. not exactly $54 per day Resort quality!

Due to affordability on my disability income, I have typically made use of the Over-flow sites, (electric only) which are only $15 daily. Now told that I can no longer use overflow, that the Powers that Be want their $54 daily !

Well guess what.. I found a much nicer Campground nearby with a monthly rate of $550 ($18 per day), with full hookups, free showers, paid laundry, no screaming daycare or load construction noise.

It's a shame really.. a Campground on a Military base supported with Tax Dollars, pricing itself out of range to Military and Vets.

