Review: Shangri La Ranch

  • $0.00 /night
  • (4.8)5 reviews

Charles Tupper, Realtor

2 years ago

I call this my "Happy Place". Many friendly people are there as well as an amazing staff. It's no putting on the Ritz stuffy place . Instead, it's down to earth, friendly atmosphere with great pools, jacuzzi, game room, restaurant, dancing, karaoke and even a short hike. I did not use, but saw tennis, volleyball and believe a basketball court as well if my memory is working. I stayed in a very nice little park model and accommodations were reasonably priced and clean. If you have never been through a similar experience. I was there for my first-time experience. The staff and guests were very kind, explaining the process of getting use to the new experience and it became my new normal. They were very helpful in getting my inhibitions calmed quickly. In 2020, I married the woman of my life. I had brought her here and they helped her through the same inhibitions. I not only recommend this place but return here at least 3 or 4 times every year with my bride. We had our honeymoon here and it was her idea. Friday night karaoke and Saturday night dancing. They have many things throughout the week as well. I highly recommend getting out of your comfort zone here as it will become your new comfort zone.

