Review: Meadville KOA

  • $0.00 /night
  • (4.0)3 reviews

Brian (BriGuy71)

2 years ago

When I showed up the weather was bad and thought a horrible, cold weekend ahead. I could not be more wrong. The staff helped make gloomy weather days into fun filled activity days. There was shirt painting, balloon animals, bingo, and more. The sun came out and then the outdoor activities were open; pool, fishing, hiking, etc.

There are so many sites nestled on hills and around trees. The sites were nicely spaced and the campers were all well maintained. It really feels like the wilderness and you will see bunnies, chipmunks, and other wild animals scurrying around.

I’m not an avid camper, but I recommend this camp ground. They got their act together and really know how to provide the experience you are looking for in a camp ground.

