Review: LunaGaia Nomadic Village

  • $10.00 /night
  • (3.8)5 reviews

Miles Edwards

1 year ago

New Mexico... camping ... no litter... potholes galore... washboarded roads... our upgraded trailer for back country boondocking snapped a spring, ruptured a propane line and gray line fittings loosened and leaked.

Were not tenderfoots! Made me re-think about ever camping New Mexico ever again. Res indians are nice as are common folk. Businesses out of control.


... Signs are virtually non existant or sooooo itsy bitsy. Don't trust your navigation software OR LOCAL SIGNS. Weights and measures is asleep at the wheel. SEVERAL ALMOST ALL gas stations have pumps you can't read so FRONTLOADING IS RAMPANT. (Pull in to pump gas, pump is unreadable, (pump from previous person still active so their amount is now yours (front $ loaded to your amount))). You are charged yours and theirs! You owe it too ! Declare its a drive off please clear for you. SIMPLY DO THIS TO BE SAFE: 1) Don't touch the pump but go straight in and get $1 CASH GAS. 2) PUMP THE BUCK WORTH OF GAS. 3) Go back in and buy with credit. NOTE: If you have cents off per gallon .... FORGET IT .... JUST PUMP AND GO. THE $1 GAS RESETS THE PUMP SO YOU ARE SAFE.

BTW: CELL SERVICE IS SPOTTY AT BEST. Example: We were just outside an auto parts store in Grants and could not get voice cell service, texts 10+ minutes to go thru.

All of this was BEFORE BURNING MAN 2023 DEVISTATION. We got out just in time limping with broken spring washboarded nightmares since then...

Good luck in NM ... You’ll need it.

