Review: Packard Creek Campground

  • $18.00 /night
  • (3.6)5 reviews

Jennifer Miller

4 years ago

Horrible, Horrible experience.. We have been their before and loved it so we decided to go back with our son to make it his first camping trip.. Reserved site #32 in February as the site we wanted was full and looked to be filling up fast for the weekend of the 10th in July.. it’s about an hour and a half away from our home and with all the crazy going on now we were very excited to finally get out into the open.. We get there and the site is unusable.. Broken logs, no where to really even put a small tent down.. We have a family of 4 so we need a little bit bigger size tent.. the table was so close to the fire pit and there was no safe place to put down our 15 month old son to explore without getting hurt... We tried for over 2 hours to see who the host of the site was, walked around and asked other campers if they have seen them.. Finally left a note that we moved a site over.. filled out a yellow tag and asked them to come talk to us when they get back.. There was no reserve sign on the site we moved so for that night we knew it at least shouldn’t be an issue until we can resolve the matter of our original site location.. Got the tent up and everything and started to get settled when a car comes up and asks if we reserved the site. I said we reserved a site, they asked what the yellow tag was for then I said are you the host of the camp site?? They said yeah we are why.. I asked we have been looking for you guys for hours and left a note for you did you get it?? They stated no we didn’t and then from there it got crazy.. They started yelling and screaming we were trying to get everything sorted .. Her husband actually got out of the car and started to come towards me.. At this time I was leaning against my van letting my mom handle it who came up to help set up and spend the day.. We decided to just leave.. They were not helpful said they have nothing to do with the sites and how they look ETC. Ended having to go back as I accidentally took my moms keys to her truck.. had to drive by the hosts again and she saw us and stared to scream no at my van..

I have pictures with time stamps of the note and campsite to show the condition.. wish I recorded my conversation with the Hosts there .. I did call and complain and get my refund of the 4 days and ended up finding a better place the next day..

**Side note we found out there is 3 other site like that and we suggested they call the people to give them a heads up so this issue doesn’t happen again.**

