Review: Grand Canyon-Williams KOA

  • $0.00 /night
  • (3.5)4 reviews

Rick D

2 years ago

This is a tough one.

1. The staff were friendly and on point. No issues there at all and very happy with them

2. Internet and cell service, even after the upgrade is garbage and spotty. If you plan on needing to work at all using the internet.....forget about it.

3. The pull throughs are not big enough and the pads themselves are absolutely horrendous as you will see from the photo below. It took two KOA employees and six of us on the campgrounds to try and get the travel trailer even remotely level as it is so humped that a;; I can do is shake my head. We had many other campers switch locations because the pads were so bad around the park. There is a front loader on site so I don't understand why the pads aren't being cut and filled as needed. Takes little to no time at all with very little expense if any. For perspective, we had to raise one side around 8" so that we could be within 1" of being level and we had to do some shady lifts on the stabilizers to even be able to grab onto something.

If it wasn't for the awesome staff, I would give it a 1 star rating. For $80 a night, I would expect the owners to put some money into this place and do some upgrades.

