Review: Eagles Landing Resort & Recreation

  • $0.00 /night
  • (4.0)4 reviews

Mike Eason

2 years ago

Made reservation, I tested positive for coved about 30 hours before check in, called to cancel reservation as soon as I tested positive. They charged me for my entire stay. Said I needed to give 48 hour notice. Asked to speak with manager and never got a call back, even after calling several times. I understand about needing to charge for canceled reservation, normal is a days stay. But when you have no control of a situation and do the right thing, they want to charge for the entire stay. I will never ever stay here, I am telling all my friends not to stay here. They only care about making money and not the true meaning of camping, rude staff.

I work a lot and try to camp when I can, I have only canceled camping trip 1 time in 10 years. Just read their rules and reviews closely and you can see how they feel about camping and making money, don’t try to check in a few minutes early, get out as soon as your trip is ending, can’t do this can’t do that. I have never had an issue like this before and I have traveled and camped all along the east coast.

