Review: Low Ridge Creek

  • $0.00 /night
  • (4.4)5 reviews

Paul Jankoska

4 years ago

I loved the lodge, the food, and the land. However, i was promised over the phone there would be no more than 10 guys in camp for 2 day gun hunt. Showed up and find out there's 16. That started off putting a sour taste in my mouth. Was taken to my stand which looked very promising. However I didn't feel like the guides new anything about the deer I could expect to see, travel patterns, etc. My guide told me to expect deer coming from one direction, but in fact every deer i saw came from the exact opposite. I never did see a buck. I was put in a tree stand set up for bow hunting and didn't even have a clear shot to the corn that was thrown out. I'm not sure of the guides were just getting worn out being it was late season, but they weren't actively working to get any of us guys on deer. He admittedly said he started baiting this spot the day before my arrival. I don't think big bucks would get on a pattern that quickly. 1 guy in camp shot about a 120" the last night. I would love to try this place again, because the land they own does hold big bucks, I believe, but would be concerned with just being a another number in camp randomly thrown in a stand to make money. I was really hoping for at least a sighting of a shooter, or any buck for that matter.

