Review: Stillwater Beach Campground

  • $0.00 /night
  • (2.4)5 reviews

WindRider USA

1 year ago

The campground is full of old and run down RVs. Some were literally patched with plywood and duct tape. Yup. The combo shower and laundry room is in total disrepair. It's the filthiest we've ever seen as well as the bathrooms which were often vandalized. The well water is so horrid and full of iron and sulphur that it's basically unusable and damages rv plumbing even with 2 large filters. Had to change filter cartridges 2-3 times a month bc they'd get so clogged and fouled up. It floods everytime there's a heavy rain and the sewer hookups flood right along with it. Many of the seasonals and full-timers are extremely clickish and often drunk and hostile. Many times we did NOT feel safe there. Some full-timers had criminal records and some were also bullies who didn't think twice about picking fights and/or threatening others. We were seasonal and couldn't wait to get the heck out of that run-down ghetto of a campground. I feel sorry for whoever buys it because it's a mess and a money pit. Exhaustive inspections and all due diligence still wouldn't disclose all the hidden and true costs of rehabilitating that property. It'll take years and very deep pockets to overcome decades of neglect and to upgrade the water and utility systems. New owners will have to deal with what comes with it, too, such as no established boundaries, or at least not enforced ones, for the condition of RVs, and no holding anyone to a reasonable standard of decent behavioral conduct. The campground has a bad reputation locally for good reason. Buyer beware!

