Review: Control Lake Cabin

  • $35.00 /night
  • (4.4)5 reviews

Massive Headwound Harry

1 year ago

First, the row boat is awful. The handles on the oars are too short putting you at a tremendous mechanical disadvantage. Also, one of the oars bites into the water more than the other constantly steering you off course. Rowing the boat was slow and torturous and I had to make 2 round trips to carry everyone and the gear. I wish we had brought a kicker.

Second, the cabin was filthy. The front door doesn't close. Fortunately there is a second door that does. Garbage was in the woodstove. The stove pipe was in poor condition and the damper on the flue was broken. The fire extinguisher was inspected in 2005 which might be the last time this cabin was serviced. I can't say if the propane heater works since we didn't try it, but it was beaten up and dirty.

Lastly, the outhouse was appalling. The pit was full and as you walk around the back you could see it brimming with you-know-what.

It's a fairly popular cabin and the USFS charges more for it than others. It would be nice if they would take care of it.

My kids still liked camping, but we won't go back there.

