Review: Home On The Range Experience LLC

  • $35.00 /night
  • (3.7)6 reviews

Scott Stephans

1 year ago

Just got a new shotgun. I knew I needed to learn how to handle it and shoot it safely, so I joined a shooting range. I joined online on their website and paid the $300 fee this morning. I was to meet an private instructor (not associated with this place) at 3:00pm. Even though it was a 45 minute drive from Raleigh, I showed up 2 hours early (1:00pm) to look around and learn whatever I could. I tried to check in at the office twice, but no-one was in the office, stood around by the front door for 30 minutes, then a nice woman named “M___y”, who was very friendly and professional walked up. I asked her if I needed to sign some sort of waiver or do more paperwork or anything and she said a man named “T__y, who was the owner, and that he may need speak to me when he was freed up. I didn’t want to go looking around for him, because he seemed to busy with a tournament, but I let his assistant know I was new and I wanted to get any paperwork finished that may be necessary. After an hour, I saw the owner walk into the unattended office, I walked in directly after he did, and I was attempting to make contact with him, but he grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge, looked at me, and walked right back out of the office whilst talking to another individual. So, I met my instructor and then I shot my 9mm Glock and my 45mm Glock at the range for an hour. The lanes were messy and littered with spent casing and trash everywhere. I’m not sure why they don’t clean the place up. To be honest, the place looked like a junkyard, old engines and cars riddled with bullets, garbage and car parts everywhere, no clear parking or directional signage, dirty facility with no employees that I saw, other than the kind woman named “M____y.” Then I took out my new shotgun for the first time. There were no targets set up on the end lanes, so you have to bring your own. They have some old broken wooden stands laying around in pieces, so, I used cardboard and made it work. My target was not very tall, but I did the best I could. I had only shot my new shotgun 5 times, until the owner rolled in a hurry on a golf cart and began a diatribe, literally chastising me and talking to me in an irritated, disrespectful manner saying my target was too low and I was shooting too low (I was at about 15 yards). He was talking to me like an angry parent to a naughty child. I have 2 children of my own, so I recognize the tone. Then I was told I needed to take his “orientation & safety course” right then and there (even though the website didn’t mention anything about a mandatory or spontaneous safety course) ….and I had been looking for some sign-in assistance for 2 hours. I declined his offer because I was getting ready to leave (it was 5:00pm) to be home in time for dinner with my wife and kids. So then I was told. “then you are done shooing for today”. Wow. For the record, I am a 1st responder, Wake County EMT, with 4 years of Emergency Room experience. I understand and appreciate safety, but this was not about safety. It seemed like ego. I also understand how to be professional and respectful. It was my first day at this range, my first shotgun. I guess I made a mistake and shot too low. I only fired 5 times, but, I got the 3rd degree and it was a total buzz kill. I will never go back and would recommend that if you are just beginning, go to a place where they respect and appreciate their customers, like Triangle Shooting Academy or ANY other gun range. It’s like everyone there was afraid to anger the King of the range, lol. I was told by a regular member there that “that’s the way it is here”. I said very little, but I did tell him I was offended by the way that he spoke to me. I told him I wanted to cancel my membership (which was only several hours old). He responded “we don’t do refunds”. No problem, I’ll just dispute the charge with my credit card company. Be wise and do not subject yourself to this humiliating treatment. Go shoot somewhere where you will be treated with respect and where your business will be appreciated.




2 months ago
Sir, I do not know where or who you could have been referring to because that is not our property or me. I was the owner and I am a female. There was not an instructor besides my husband who was associated with my business. We didn’t ever have tournaments on our property. We do not have a membership, and only charged 15$. We don’t have engines and cars on our property. I would have been the only one processing your payment or deciding a refund. You may have been on a neighboring property for their business or flat woods or something. What you are describing is not our property nor my business.